P.T.I. exists to change America. Today the words “crime,” and “criminal, ” mean the same thing. The criminal justice system dehumanizes those within its grasp. Becoming a number, losing ones identity, begins at delousing, and then spreads, until one day their humanity has been utterly replaced. Our numbers are growing exponentially. Soon, the over 150 million Americans in the prisoner class will understand there are more of us than you...But what you must understand, if you've read this far, is the razor's edge the justice system hangs from in this Country. At this moment, 95% of everyone in the prisoner class took plea deals, and put themselves in prison. Scandalous. What if instead of taking plea deals, the nearly 2 million persons awaiting trial chose their right to a speedy trial of their peers? The Sixth Amendment guarantees these rights and others. Let us say all of those people didn't take the deal. Instead, they just sit down and wait. And with coordination they could sit down at once. In the first day the courts would run out of court dates required for speedy trials. There would be no one left to serve on juries. Too few public defenders and prosecutors. The system would simply stop...and sit down. What our system needs is less system. Exercise your Sixth Amendment along with all of the others rights you can. Watch the wind, and as we say, Stay free...